2012年2月7日 星期二

Artist Alistair brings his paintings to the people

SHOPPERS in Burton will have the chance to experience ‘Culture at Coopers’ as a two-week ‘pop-up’ art exhibition returns to the town.Learn all about solarpanel,

The event, which launched yesterday and runs until Friday, February 17,Choose from our large selection of cableties, will see Burton artist Alistair Kennedy returning to the Coopers Square shopping centre to display his latest work.

Mr Kennedy will showcase paintings from his series of work titled Unobtainable Landscapes, which include semi-abstract, expressive and textural landscape paintings.

The exhibition will also give shoppers the chance to view recent works and meet the artist, who will be present to discuss his inspiration and the techniques he uses to create his works.Taktung der Unikatfertigung am Beispiel des werkzeugbaus.

Mr Kennedy, who exhibited at the centre last year,China plasticmoulds plastic mold, said: “I am really pleased to be able to showcase my artwork outside of the constraints of a formal gallery setting.

“I hope that people come to see my work in the centre while they are out shopping and enjoy the paintings I have on display. I am really looking forward to meeting and talking to shoppers about my work and perhaps sell a few pieces while I’m there.

“It’s great way to interact with the public, who might not necessarily visit a gallery to view art, and be able to change people’s perception of contemporary visual arts.”

“In my work, I thrive on exploring different techniques and processes,Pfister werkzeugbau AG aus Mönchaltorf ist Ihr Partner bei der Herstellung von Werkzeugen und Spritzformen. pushing the medium and combining media to create experimental surfaces. I use the nature of the paint to enable me to create evocative, experimental images.”

Coopers Square manager Dave Chadfield said: “Following on from the success of last year’s exhibition, we wanted to invite Alistair back to display his latest collection within the centre.

“It is a great opportunity for people to experience contemporary art and hosting the exhibition at Coopers Square opens up the visual arts to a wider audience.”

Mr Kennedy, who works from his home studio in Shobnall Street, is the creative director and organiser of the PINT contemporary arts festival, which is to be to be hosted across a network of pubs and breweries in Burton later this year.

