2012年2月21日 星期二

It’s OK to have an unexpressed thought

According to my personal dictionary, the term “inside thoughts” generally refers to any mental or intellectual opinion, created by the human brain. This subjective belief is guaranteed to offend another human being or make said offender appear ridiculous.

Thus, such thought is kept “inside,” meaning the thinker keeps his or her mouth shut to avoid serious repercussions.

My first experiences with inside thoughts began at a fifth-grade slumber party. The usual events occurred that evening: pizza, movies and a lengthy discussion about boys. But somewhere between 1-3 a.m., our adolescent minds decided to do something a bit different.

Somebody suggested, “Let’s go around the circle and say what we don’t like about one another.”

I can’t remember who came up with the concept, but we all played along. As you can imagine,Product information for Sell electronicplasticmoulds from China! it didn’t end well. It didn’t take long for tears to flow and tempers to flare.VulcanMold is a plastic molds and injectionmold manufacturer in china. If you tell someone straight to her face that she is a big flirt (a comment that targeted me) or she is bossy (something I directed at a friend), things are bound to get ugly.

Perhaps we were bored, or maybe we were just mean. Regardless, we should have had “inside thoughts” that evening, especially since we all had to sleep in the same room.

The following situations are examples of what I deem inside thoughts.You can find best mould engineering solution china mouldengineeringsolution from here!

You approach a female stranger at a grocery store. She seems to be glowing and at first glance she appears pregnant.Carrying the widest selection of projectorlamp, Her round belly and personal items in her shopping cart seem like a giveaway for a, “Congratulations, when are you due?” comment. But don’t be fooled. Unless you know this person and she has told you that a baby is coming, do not — I repeat, do not — congratulate her. The glow could very well be sweat from a recent workout where she was trying to get rid of the extra pounds from her baby that is now 2 years old.

You’ve had an incredibly bad day and want to use the world of social media as a sounding board for your misfortune. Please, before you type, tweet or text the world,We offer custom plasticinjectionmoulding with full in-house tool making and tool maintenance. ask yourself if it is an inside thought. I promise you there will be repercussions if you say, “My boss is a scumbag, my hemorrhoids are acting up and my boyfriend cheated on me again. Time for me to go to bed.” That, my friend, should have been an inside thought.

Gossip. Period. All gossip should be inside thoughts. It’s human nature to have bad thoughts about people. That’s just expected. But the minute you open your mouth and turn those inside thoughts into gossip, all bets are off.

I’m working on the last one. To be honest, I think it’s very hard for women not to gossip.

In my 30 years, I have learned to finesse my own inside thoughts. Although I’m certain I have ignored my own definition from time to time, I am happy to tell you that I am a work in progress. Each time I open my mouth or type something into a social media outlet, I ask myself if I am ready to face the repercussions of my actions.

If I’m not, then I keep my mouth shut. It’s much easier to have an inside thought than to deal with the consequence.

I remember comments at the fifth-grade slumber party. Some were refreshed in my mind after reading my diary, but others have always stuck. Words can be wonderful, but words also can be hurtful.

